External Concrete Repairs

Horizon were called upon to undertake concrete repairs at a multi-storey hotel chain in the UK. Concrete spalls had fallen off the edge of a 9th floor level balcony panel, as a result the client had cordoned off the area in the interests of safety to the public and staff.
Following a visual inspection and issue of a report, it was recommended by the client’s appointed consultant that a repair strategy was required. These works were put out to tender as a scope of works which included for all safe access and the appropriate remedial works that were required.
Following the awarding of the contract, Horizon's specialist team commenced with the first phase of works using cradle and rope access techniques. Prior to the contract award the horizon surveyor had provided additional options that have enabled the client to expand the works portfolio based upon satisfactory performance. A protective walkway scaffold was erected to the external aspect of the building as required below the first phased repairs, cracked and spalled sections of concrete were removed and a further assessment was carried out. This included a survey of the remaining building using rope access techniques. This cost saving method of access allowed the client to locate and identify other concrete defects as well as establishing that the building fabric was in a satisfactory condition. Once confirmed, Horizon was then able to proceed with the second phase of the works which were all completed to the client’s satisfaction. The phase 3 works are due to commence at the time of writing using rope access techniques.
As the works were completed in a thorough and safe manner, without incident, this minimised disruption to the day-to-day running of this major city hotel.